Name: Sex: Male
Birthday: Born on Sep., 1972
Birth place: Born in Xiajin , Shandong , China
Position: Department Head of the Department of soil and water science
Associate Director of the Agricultural Resources and Enviroment Major
Associate Professor, Master Supervisor
Home address: 24 Cultural Road, Taian, Shandong, China 271018
Office address:
College of Resources and Environment
Shandong Agricultural University, 61 Daizong Street
Taian, Shandong Province 271018 P. R. CHINA
Tel. (86538) 8242900, Cell phone (86)13705385760
E-mail: fpsong@sdau.edu.cn
Soil chemistry
Plant nutrition
Soil ecological environment science
Soil fertilizer science
Sep.2003-July, 2006, Shandong Agricultural University , China ,
Post-doctoral research
Sep.2003-July, 2006, Shandong Agricultural University , China ,
Ph.D. of Agronomy
Sep. 1992-July 1996, Shandong Agricultural University , China ,
Master’s degree of Agronomy
Sep. 1992-July 1996, Shandong Agricultural University , China ,
Bachelor’s degree of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition
Soil Science Society of China , Soil Geology Professional Committee, Deputy Director
Soil Science Society of Shangdong, Member
A new borrow soil drill used in the wild borrow soil column of original state profile
Be titled an excellent member of the Communist Party of Shandong Agricultural University, 2011
Be titled a May Fourth Youth Post Expert of Shandong Agricultural University, 2010
Be titled a Mount Tai Pioneer of the CPC Tai’an Municipal Committee, 2010
Be titled a 2008-2009 Recruit Advanced Individual of Shandong Agricultural University, 2009
National Award for Science and Technology Progress, 2009, Second Prize, New Controlled Release Fertilizer Manufacture and Industrialization Development
Be titled an excellent member of the Communist Party of 2007 and 2008 year of Shandong Agricultural University , 2009
Higher education teaching achievement award of Shandong Agricultural University , 2009, Second Prize
Prize of characteristic profession declaration of Provincial level of College of Resources and Environment, 2008, Berlinale Camera
Research paper prize of teaching and teaching management reform of Shandong Agricultural University , 2008, Honorable Mention
Scientific progress award of Shandong , 2008, first Prize, New Controlled Release Fertilizer Manufacture and Industrialization
Development Education Technology and Equipment Association Best Paper, 2007, Third Prize
Be titled Prominent Teacher of College of Resources and Environment, 2007
Excellent Bachelor's Degree Thesis guidance prize of Shandong Agricultural University , 2007, Second Prize
Be titled Prominent Teacher of College of Resources and Environment, 2006
Research paper prize of higher education reform and development of school-level, 2005, Third Prize, Exploration and practice of soil and fertilizer science experiment reform
Research paper prize of higher education reform and development of school-level, 2005, Second Prize, Reform and exploration of soil and fertilizer science teaching practice
Be titled advanced individual of graduate student appraise through comparison work of college-level, 2005
Be titled excellent trade union worker of school-level, 2004-2005 year
Teaching achievement prize of innovation and practice of Agricultural resources and environment professional talent training mode, 2004, Frist Prize
The 3rd teachers' teaching quality prize of Shandong Agricultural University , 2004, Third Prize
Sub-topic in the national science & technology pillar program, parameter index and research methods of closed conduit improve saline-alkali soil, 2010, project chief
Sub-topic in the science & technology basic work special project, soil series survey of Shandong province and to compile Shandong Roll of Soil Series of China, 2009, project chief
Sub-topic in the basic scientific research business special project of Central public welfare research institutes, Nitrogen loss in three types of soil, 2008, project chief
Sub-topic of MOST project, Transform technology research of micro-landform of water accommodation and soil conservation slope farmland, 2008, participant
The national science & technology pillar program during the eleventh five-year plan period,Key technology integration and industrialization of Resin CoatedUrea, 2007, participant
Sub-topic in the national science & technology pillar program during the eleventh five-year plan period, the physical and chemical properties of high yield cultivation soil analysis and control of super corn, 2007, project chief
Special funds of Shandong province postdoctoral innovation project, regulate and control characteristics and mechanism research of rhizosphere soil biologically liveness from different membrane materials controlled release urea, 2007, project chief
Research award fund of young and middle-aged scientists of Shandong province, Nitrogen loss mechanism an anniversary and regulation of controlled release nitrogen fertilizer of high yield grainfield of Huanghuaihai area, 2007, project chief
Important innovative directivity project of CAS, soil quality evolution and rapid monitoring and evaluation method of Shandong province of our country from the second time soil general survey, 2007, project chief
Scientific research fund project of Kingenta, Controlled release fertilizer test and application technology research of Wheat and corn continuous cropping cultivation, 2007, project chief
Youth scientific and technical innovation fund project of Shandong Agricultural University , N, P loss and regulation technology research of regional high yield grainfield, 2007, project chief
Research award fund of young and middle-aged scientists of Shandong province, soil environment and the landscape effect research of Rural road construction, 2006, participant
Fiscal support agriculture project of Shandong province, Demonstration and extension of efficient and cost saving fertilizer, 2005, participant
Natural science fund of Shandong province, phosphorus mineral constitution and effectuation research of lime soil with long-term P application, 2004, participant
1. Lu Yanyan, Song Fupeng. Tomato root response to subsurface drip irrigation. Pedosphere, 2004, 14(2): 205-212.
2. Zhao Jie, Song Fupeng, Gao Yang, Lu Yanyan. Effects of bulk blend fertilizers with different nitrogen ratios and application modes on content of soil available-P, available-K and P, K fertilizer use efficiency. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 2011, 25(3):71-74
3. Gao Yang, Song Fupeng, Ma Fuliang, Zou Peng. Comparison of loss amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in three types of soil under simulated rainfall. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 2011, 25(2): 15-18
4. Lu Yanyan, Song Fupeng, Zhao Jie, Gao Yang. Effects of controlled-release urea on ammonia volatilization and inorganic nitrogen of soil and nitrogen use efficiency in maize. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 2010, 24(6): 79-82
5. Liu Rui, Song Fupeng. Analysis of wheaten rhizosphere soil microbial diversity in controlled release urea coated by polymer and sulfur. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 2010, 24(3): 185-188
6. Zhao Jie, Song Fupeng. Effects of bulk blend fertilizers with different nitrogen ratios and application modes on NO3-~N in soil and N fertilizer use efficiency of maize. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 2010, 24(3): 119-122
7. Gao Yang, Wang Xia, Song Fupeng, et al. Effects of controlled-release urea coated by polymer on nitrogen loss of soil under simulated rainfall. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 2010, 24(3): 9-12, 55
8. Liu Rui, Song Fupeng, Tang Xiaoyan, Wang Zhengrui, Yuan Mingrui. Influences of controlled-release urea coated by resin film on the growth of Pakchoi. Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences, 2009,37(17):7942-7943, 7965
9. Zhang Yizhi, Zhuge Yuping, Song Fupeng, Liu Rui, et al. Nutrient leaching characteristics of bulk blending fertilizer of controlled release nitrogen with different controlled release nitrogen ratio. Phosphate & Compound Fertilizer, 2009,24(3): 19-20
10. Ding Fangjun, Song Fupeng, Xu Luying, et al.Effect of ammonium bicarbonate on the availability of P2O 5 in MAP and its pH value in production of compound fertilizer. Phosphate & Compound Fertilizer, 2009,24(1): 31-32, 35
11. Wang Nana, Cui Guangqi, Fang Yudong, Song Fupeng, et al. Temporal-Spatial variability and evaluation of long-term loacted farmland soil nutrients by GIS—A case study of Feicheng County. Journal of Shandong Agricultural University (Natural Science), 2008,40(1):75-82
12. Song Fupeng, Zhang Min, Hu Yingying, et al. The study on availability of controlled release flower fertilizer onmarigold. Journal of Shandong Agricultural University (Natural Science), 2002,33(2):134-139
13. Song Fupeng, Zhang Min, Yu Lin. Enrichment and variation of various forms of phosphours in calcareous vegetable cultivated soils. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 2005,19(6):65-69
14. Song Fupeng, Zhang Min, Shi Yanxi, et al. Releasing characteristics of controlled-release nitrogen fertilizer and its effects on rice yield. Acta Pedologica Sinica, 2005,42(4):619-627
Soil Fertilizer Science; Soil Survey and Mapping; Soil Science; Land Resources Conservation; Agricultural Resources and Sustainable Utilization; Agricultural Production Safety Evaluation and Control; Shandong agricultural professional technical position qualification exam ( basic theory) reader.