Associate Professor
Department of Plant Nutrition
College of Resources and Environment, Shandong Agricultural University, Taian City , 271018
Tel: 0538 8241546 (office), +86 13905489073 (Mobile)
E-mail: xiumincui@sdau.edu.cn
1994-1998, Bachelor degree, Department of Horticulture sciences, Shandong Agricultural University
1998-2000, Master degree, College of Horticulture sciences, Shandong Agricultural University
2000-2003, Doctor degree, College of Horticulture sciences, Shandong Agricultural University
2003-2005, Postdoctor, College of Horticulture sciences, Nanjing Agricultural University
2005-2011, Associate Professor, College of Resources and Environment, Shandong Agricultural University
2011.07-2011.12, Co-Operate Research, Kansas State University , Plant Sciences Center
2009—present, “Recommended Fertilization Technology” for undergraduate
2006—present, “Soil and Fertilizer” For undergraduate
2006—present, “Nutrition and Fertilization of Flowers” for undergraduate
2006—present, “High Plant Nutrition” for postgraduate
2006—present, “Diagnosis and Fertilization of plant” for postgraduate
2006—present, “Plant Nutrition Heredity” for postgraduate
2003—2005, “Modern Vegetable Cultivation Techniques” for postgraduate
2004—2005, “Seminar” for Ph.D postgraduate,participate in National Characteristic Major Course Construction about “ Soil and fertilizer”
2006-present Associate Professor, Department of Plant nutrition, College of Resources and Enviroment, Shandong Agricultural University
2003-2005 Postdoctoral Research Associate, College of Horticulture, Nanjing Agricultural University, China
1998-2003 Graduate research assistant, College of Horticulture,, Shandong Agricultural University, China
1998-1999 Teaching assistant, College of Horticulture, Shandong Agricultural University, China
1994-1998 Bachelor student, College of Horticulture, Shandong Agricultural University, China
1. Xiaobin Wu, Futian Peng, Xiumin Cui﹡, Yanru Xu, Yuanyuan Sun, Xiaodan Zhang, Lifu Guo. The effects of fertilizing by the fertilizer applicator on nitrogen absorption, distribution and fruit yield and quality of peach. Plant Nutrition and Fertilizer Science,2011,17(3), 680-687 (in Chinese)
2. Xiumin Cui, Xiaobin Wu, Xiaoyun Li, Xuhua Li*. Responses of growth, functional enzyme activity in biomembrane of tomato seedlings to excessive copper, cadmium and the alleviating effect of exogenous nitric oxide. Plant Nutrition and Fertilizer Science,2011,17(2), 349-357 (in Chinese)
3. Yikai Zhang, Xiumin Cui*, Shouxiang Yang, Xiuling Chen. Effects of exogenous nitric oxide on active oxygen metabolism and photosynthetic characteristics in tomato seedlings under cadmium stress. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, Jun. 2010,21(6): 1432-1438 (in Chinese)
4. Yikai Zhang, XiaoJiao Han, Hong Jin, Xiuling Chen, Xiumin Cui*, Xiaobin Wu, Yanru Xu. Effects of exogenous nitric oxide on photosynthetic and bioluminescent characteristics as well as mineral element contents in tomato under copper stress. Plant Nutrition and Fertilizer Science, 2010, 16(1):172-178 (in Chinese)
5. Xiuling Chen, Yanru Xu, Xiumin Cui*, Xiaobin Wu. Studies on zinc tolerance and accumulation characteristic of Pakchoi〔Brassica campestris L. ssp. chinensis(L.)Makino var. communis Tsen etLee〕. China Vegetables, 2010(14):19-25 (in Chinese)
6. Yikai Zhang, Xiaojiao Han, Xiuling Chen, Hong Jin, Xiumin Cui*. Exogenous nitric oxide on antioxidative system and ATPase activities from tomato seedlings under copper. Scientia Horticulturae. 2009, 123 (2): 217-223 (in English)
7. Xiumin Cui,Yuxiu Dong, Xilin Hou,Yan Cheng, Jingyi Zhang, Minfeng Jin. Development and characterization of microsatellite markers in Brassica Chinensis and transferability among related species. Agricultural Scienced In China , 2008,7(1):19-31 (in English)
8.Xiumin Cui, Yikai Zhang, Xiufeng Wang, Chunsheng Liu*, Xiuling Chen. Canonical Correlation and Stepswise Regression Analysis between Quality Traits and Mineral Elements in Non-heading Chinese Cabbage. Acta Agriculturae Boreali-Sinica,2008,23(12):25-28 (in Chinese)
9. Xiumin Cui, Xilin Hou*, and Yuxiu Dong. SSR primers development in non-heading chinese cabbage by ISSR-PCR and streptavidin-coated magnetic beads adsorption. Acta Horticulturae Sinica,2006,33(1): 155-157 (in Chinese)
10. Xiumin Cui, Xilin Hou*,Feifei Sun, Hongjie Jiang. The principal element analysis and relation of agronomic characters and black spot of non-heading Chinese cabbage. Acta Agriculturae Zhejiangensis,2006,18(2):99-102 (in Chinese)
11.Xiumin Cui, Xiufeng Wang, Heng Xu. Response of physiological-biochemical characters of sweet pepper seedlings during different degreewater stress to rewatering. Chinese Journal of Applied & Environmental Biology,2006,12(1):5-8 (in Chinese)
12.Xiumin Cui and Xiufeng Wang. Effect of water supply status in media on C, N metabolism of tomato potting seedlings and the relationship with growth and development. ACTA Horticulturae Sinica, 2004,31(4):477-481 (in Chinese)
1.Xiuling Chen, Yanru Xu, Xiumin Cui*, Xiaobin Wu, Hong Jin. Zinc Forms and Root Exudation in Non-heading Chinese Cabbages under High Zinc Stress. Conference on enviroment and enviromental pollution and health. September 9-10, 2010, Wuhan City in China ( ISTP)
2.Xiumin Cui, Yikai Zhang, Xiuling Chen, Hong Jin. Effects of exogenous nitric oxide protects tomato plants under copper stress. Conference on enviroment and enviromental pollution and health. June 14,2009, Beijing (EI)
3.Xiumin Cui, Xiaobin Wu, Xiaoyun Li, Bo Yin, Chunhui Jiang. The investigation of excessive copper, cadmium on growth, functional enzyme activity in biomembrane of tomato seedlings and the alleviating effect of exogenous nitric oxide. International Symposium on Ecological Remediation of Environmental Pollution and Bioenergy Exploitation. October 9-11, 2010,Hangzhou city, China.
1. Member of Profession Expert Group of Facility Cultivation and Engineering. (CARS-25-D-03, 2011-2015, ¥250,000)
2. The Young Scientist Encouraging Foundation of Shandong Province “Exogenous Nitric Oxide Induced Copper Ionic Localization in Tomato Plants under Copper Stress”. (BS2009HZ016,2009-2012, ¥50,000)
3. Postdoctoral Fund of Shandong Agricultural University “ The Microsatellite Marker Development in non-headling Chinese Cabbage”. (2007-2010, ¥40,000 )
4. The National Key Technology R&D Program in the 11th Five Year Plan of China “The Highly Efficient Fertilizing Technology in Fruit Trees and Vegetables—Embranchment Item” (2008BADA4B05, 2008-2010, ¥50,000)
5. The Young Scientist Innovation Science Foundation of Shandong Agricultural University “EST-SSR Markers Development in the Chinese Cabbages and the Diversity” (23420, 2006-2009, ¥35,000)
Each year recruiting 1-2 graduates from plant nutrition, protected horticulture and environment major.
Honors and Awards
Excellent young teacher in teaching technique match (2010), Shandong Agricultural University , Shandong , China
Excellent University Postgraduate Award (2003), Shandong Agricultural University , Shandong , China
First Place of Professional Scholarship (1999-2002), Awarded by Shandong Agricultural University, Shandong , China
The First Place of “Dabeinong” Industrial Scholarship (2001), Awarded by Dabeinong Group , China
Excellent Bachelor Thesis (1998), Received for bachelor thesis “The Soilless Culture Technology of Muskmelon in Greenhouse”, Shandong Agricultural University , China
The Journal of Plant Physiology (2010.03-present)