Yuanjie Dong Male Born in October, 1977
Professional title: Associate professor, Tutors for master degree gainer
Department: Plant nutrition Department
Specialty: Soil erosion magnetic tracer
Telephone: 0086-0538-8241546
Ph.D., 2006: Shandong Agricultural University , China -- Soil science
B.S., 2001: Shandong Agricultural University , China -- Soil science
Associate Professor ( to present), College of Resources and Environment, Shandong Agricultural University
Instructor ( to ), College of Resources and Environment, Shandong Agricultural University
Major courses
Agricultural environment; Soil Agriculturalization analysis; Soil food research; Fertilizer development technology; Fertilization and Environmental quality
Areas of Expertise
Research of soil erosion magnetic tracer, Development of new fertilizer technology, Research of mechanism and modulation of plant nutrition
Research Projects
“Development and application of soil erosion magnetic tracer” National Natural Science Foundation, China (40701094), project leader, 2008-2010 (accomplished)
“Development of slope soil erosion magnetic tracer” Technology and plan project of the Education Department of Shandong province, China (J07YF10), project leader, 2007-2009 (accomplished)
“The material screening and Process technology research of new soil erosion magnetic tracer” The Young Foundation of Shandong Agricultural University, China (23457), project leader, 2007-2009 (accomplished)
“Mechanism research of magnetic susceptibility on quantificationally tracking the slope soil erosion” The excellent Young and Middle-aged Scientist Encouraging Foundation of the Shandong province, China (BS2009NY025), project leader, 2010-2012 (in progress)
“Research of Application technology of controlled release fertilizer on peanut cultivate” National Science & Technology Pillar Program during the eleventh Five-Year Plan Period, China, project leader, 2007-2012 (in progress)
Participated the “Introduction and application of monitoring and protection technology of water and soil pollution” “ 948” project of Ministry of Agriculture , China
Participated the “development of superfine phosphorite powder and the research of its biology composite effect” Natural Science Foundation of Shandong province, China
[1]Dong Yuanjie, Shi Yanxi, Kong Fanmei, Chen Weifeng. Magnetic measurement based spatial distribution of soil erosion on slope [J]. Acta Pedologica sinica 2009, 46(1):144-148.
[2]Dong Yuanjie, Shi Yanxi. Using fly ash as a magnetic tracer to study soil erosion [J]. Acta Pedologica sinica 2006, 43(1):155-159.
[3]Dong Yuanjie, Ma Yuzeng, Chen Weifeng, Shi Yanxi. Mechanism of slop soil eroded susceptibility change [J]. Chinese Journal of Soil Science, 2008, 39(6):1400-1403.
[4]Dong Yuanjie, Shi Yanxi. The technology of soil erosion magnetic tracking and the development of application [J]. The anthology of the seventh national sediment basic theory research conference. 2008, 10: 116-120.
[5]Dong Yuanjie, Ma Yuzeng, Chen Weifeng, Shi Yanxi. Developing a Man-Made Magnetic Tracer to Study Soil Erosion [J]. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 2007, 21(5): 46-49.
[6]Dong Yuanjie, Shi Yanxi. Spatial Characteristics of Slop Soil Erosion Intensity and Susceptibility in Small Watershed of Shandong Province Middle Part [J]. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 2006, 20(6): 6-10.
[7]Dong Yuanjie, Shi Yanxi. Magnetic Susceptibility of Soil Eroded in Slop and Experiment of Magnetic Tracing on Slop Soil Erosion [J]. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 2004, 18(6): 21-26.
[8]Dong Yuanjie, Shi Yanxi. Soil Erosion and the Technological Measures of Soil and Water Conservation of Shandong Province ” APCTT International Conference, 2004, 10: 72-77.
[9]Dong Yuanjie, Shi Yanxi, Yang Shouxiang. The application of magnetic measurement in soil erosion research [J]. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 2003, 17(6): 73-76.
[10]Dong Yuanjie, Fu Weizhang, Chen Weifeng, Shi Yanxi*, Kong Fanmei. Runoff Yield, Sediment Production and soil erosion type variation of the small watershed slope soil in a mountainous area of Shandong Province [J]. Chinese Journal of Soil Science, 2010, 41(1): 185-188.
[11]Dong Yuanjie. Mexico developed soil erosion magnetic tracker [J]. Scientific and Technical Information of Soil and Water Conservation, 2004, (1):23-25.
[12]Hu Guoqing, Dong Yuanjie*, Shi Yanxi, Qiu Xiankui, Wang Yanhua. Effects of two layout methods of a new magnetic tracer about soil erosion [J]. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 2009, 23(2): 37-41. (Corresponding author)
[13]Hu Guoqing, Dong Yuanjie*, Shi Yanxi, Qiu Xiankui, Wang Yanhua. Comparative on characteristics of soil erosion spatial variation on slopes using magnetic tracing and erosion pins [J]. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 2010, 24(1): 55-57. (Corresponding author)
[14]Hu Guoqing, Dong Yuanjie*, Qiu Xiankui, Wang Yanhua, Shi Yanxi. Use of magnetic tracers to study soil erosion process of small watershed in Lu- Zhong mountain area [J]. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 2010, 24(5): 169-173. (Corresponding author)
[15]Ma Yuzeng, Dong Yuanjie*, Shi Yanxi, Chen Weifeng, Kong Fanmei. Affecting mechanism of slope soil eroded chemical characters to susceptibility [J]. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 2008, 22(2): 51-53. (Corresponding author)
[16] HU Guo-Qing, DONG Yuan-Jie*, WANG Hui, QIU Xian-Kui, WANG Yan-Hua. Laboratory testing of magnetic tracers for soil erosion measurement [J]. Pedosphere, 201121(3): 328-338. (Corresponding author)
[17]Hu Guoqing, Dong Yuanjie*, Shi Yanxi, Qiu Xiankui, Wang Yanhua. Development of new soil erosion magnetic tracers and their effects on soil physical and chemical properties [J]. Acta Pedologica sinica, 2011, 48(3): 644-649. (Corresponding author)
[18]Hu Guoqing, Qiu Xiankui, Wang Yanhua, Wang Quanhui, Zhang Xiuwei, Dong Yuanjie*. Effects of erosion magnetic tracer on physical and chemical properties of soil and physiological characteristics of pakchoi [J]. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 2011, 25(2): 232-236. (Corresponding author)
[19]Qiu Xiankui, Dong Yuanjie*, Hu Guoqing, Wang Yanhua. Effect of homemade coated release fertilizers on physiological characteristics, yield and quality of Chinese cabbage [J]. Acta Pedologica sinica, 2011, 48(2): 375-382. (Corresponding author)
[20] Zhang Xiuwei, Zhang Min, Wang Quanhui, Qiu Xiankui, Hu Guoqing, Dong Yuanjie*. Effects of exogenous nitric oxide on physiological characteristics of peanut under iron-deficient stress [J]. Plant Nutrition and Fertilizer Science, 2011, 17(3): 665-673. (Corresponding author)
[21]Wang Yanhua, Dong Yuanjie*, Zhang Min, Qiu Xiankui, Hu Guoqing. Spatial variability characteristics of slope soil nutrients in small watershed of the middle of Shandong province [J]. Soils, 2011, 43(2): 179-183. (Corresponding author)
[22]Qiu Xiankui, Dong Yuanjie*, Hu Guoqing, Wang Yanhua. Effect of Control Release Fertilizers on physiological characteristics and yield, quality of peanut [J]. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 2010, 24(2): 223-226. (Corresponding author)
[23]Qiu Xiankui, Dong Yuanjie*, Hu Guoqing, Wang Yanhua. Effects of different fertilizing treatments on contents of soil nutrients and soil enzyme activity [J]. Soils, 2010, 42(2): 249-255. (Corresponding author)
[24]Wang Yanhua, Dong Yuanjie*, Qiu Xiankui, Hu Guoqing. Effect of Controlled Release Fertilizer on physiological characteristics, yield and quality of peanut in slope field [J]. ACTA AGRONOMICA SINICA 2010, 36(11): 1974-1980. (Corresponding author)
[25] Wang Yanhua, Dong Yuanjie*, Qiu Xiankui, Hu Guoqing. Effects of homemade coated controlled release urea on physiological characteristics, yield and quality of peanut [J]. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 2010, 24(6): 190-194. (Corresponding author)
[26]Wang Yanhua, Dong Yuanjie*, Qiu Xiankui, Hu Guoqing. Effect of controlled release fertilizer on nitrogen and phosphorus losses from farmland in sloe field [J]. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 2011, 25(2): 10-14. (Corresponding author)
[27]Dong Yuanjie, Shi Yanxi. A comparative research on microclimate characteristics between ecology tea garden and common tea garden in Shandong province [J]. Journal of Hebei Normal University of Science & technology, 2008, 22(2): 11-17.
[28]Xu Lin, Qiu Xiankui, Dong Yuanjie*, Liu Chunsheng. Effect of the controlled released fertilizers on photo synthetic and transpiration in leaves of Corylus avellana [J]. Journal of Beijing Agricultural College, 2010, 25(1): 9-12. (Corresponding author)
[29]Dong Yuanjie, Wan Yongshan*, Zhang Min, Liu Fengzhen. Effect of controlled release blend bulk fertilizers on the soil ammonium and nitrate nitrogen conten during the growing season of peanut [J]. Acta Agriculturae Boreali-Sinica, 2008, 23(6): 203- 207.
[30]Dong Yuanjie, Zhang Min, Wan Yongshan*, Liu Fengzhen. Effect of three kind controlled release blend bulk fertilizers on the agronomic characters and quality in peanut [J]. Acta Agriculturae Boreali-Sinica, 2008, 23(4): 12-16.
[31]Wang Quanhui, Dong Yuanjie*, Qiu Xiankui, Hu Guoqing, Wang Yanhua, Zhang Xiuwei. Soil heavy metal pollution and effect on the soil enzyme activity in mount Tai scenic area [J]. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 2011, 25(2): 181-184. (Corresponding author)
[32]Dong Yuanjie, Gai Guosheng, Liu Chunsheng. Biologic effect and effective phosphorus content of superfine phosphorite powder [J]. Journal of Guizhou Normal University , 2009, 27(1): 4-8.