Zhu Xi-cun , male, born in September 1970. Associate professor, master tutor and the vice director of college experiment center of College of Resources and Environment, Shandong Agricultural University .
He graduated from the department of geography in Shandong Normal University in 1994, received master's degree of agronomy in 2005 and attained doctor's degree of agronomy in 2010. He worked in forestry school of Shandong province from 1994 to 1999 and in Shandong Agricultural University from 1999 to now. His professional title is from the teaching assistant to the lecturer and to the associate professor.
He teaches undergraduate courses on “the geology and geomorphology”, "the soil resources science", "the resources science introduction”,“Agricultural meteorology”, and so on. He was awarded the first prize of young teachers lecture skills competition in Shandong Agricultural University . He recruites land resources management, cartography and geographic information engineering and agriculture informatics professional master graduate student, who is guiding two master graduate student.
His main research direction is hyperspectral remote sensing and agriculture information technology application, LUCC environmental effect, etc. He took part in and finished the national natural science fund and the national "863" high-tech project. He is hosting a postdoctoral scientific fund of China and a postdoctoral fund of Shandong agricultural university ,etc.He has published more than 10 articles in“Transaction of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering”, “Scientia Agricultura Sinica”, "Acta Ecological Sinica ", "Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology” ,” Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis”.