Li Yixue,borninJuly1966, is the associate professor of College of Resources and Environment of Shandong Agriculture University 
.He obtainedhisPhDin Economic Management Department from Shandong Agriculture University in 2004.He has begun his work in the College of Resources and Environment of Shandong Agriculture University in 1987 from the position of assistant, lecturer, to associate professor. He holds social duty of thememberofthe Measurement Institute of Shandong province.
Hisresearchinterestslieintheareasof Land Economics, Land Use Planning, Land Development and Arrangement and Land Economically and Intensively Using. He teaches undergraduate and graduate courses such as cadastral survey, the GPS system, GPS satellite positioning and Resources Economics,recruiting graduates about Land Resource Management and Cartography and Geographic Information Engineering.
He has finished special programming of Rural Construction Land Readjustment of Dezhou, Liaocheng and three other cites, projects of Land Use Overall Planning of more than a dozen cities and counties including Liaocheng, Laiwu, and completed several research projects of social science sponsored by the State or provincial government or ministries. He has published about 20 papers in many important science publications and international conferences in or out of the country.