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发布时间:2013-11-01 作者: 浏览次数:11332

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国家留学基金委联合培养博士生,赴奥地利维也纳大学Christa Schleper教授课题组学习交流


Ph.D. Ecology, June 2013, Shandong University, China. advisor: Prof. Renqing Wang.

[1] Research on changes of soil ammonia-oxidizing communities under heavy metals treatment, mainly focusing on population structure, abundance and transcriptional level of the functional genes (funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2009~2011);

[2] Research on pollution characteristics and spatial/temporal changes of environmental organic pollutants in typical sewage irrigated area at old industrial regions in Northeast China (funded by China National Basic Research Program-973 Project, 2006-2009).

Joint PhD Student (2010-2011) Department of Genetics in Ecology, University of Vienna, Austria.

advisor: Prof. Christa Schleper.

[1] Research on responses of Nitrososphaera viennensis (an ammonia oxidizing archaeon isolated from soil) under nitrification inhibitor;

[2] Research on the requirement and resistance for copper in Ammonia-Oxidizing Archaea (Nitrososphaera viennensis).

B.Sc. Microbiology, June 2007, Shandong University, China.


2020-至今 山东农业大学资源与环境学院教授。


2014-2020 山东农业大学资源与环境学院副教授。


2013-2014 山东农业大学资源与环境学院讲师。

2013-至今 土壤肥料资源高效利用国家工程实验室综合管理办公室。

Work and Professional Experience

2020-present  professor, College of Recourses and Environment, Shandong Agricultural University, China.

2017-2018 Visiting scholar, Tropical Research and Education Center, University of Florida.

2014-2020 Associate professor, College of Recourses and Environment, Shandong Agricultural University, China.

2013-2014 Assistant professor, College of Recourses and Environment, Shandong Agricultural University, China.

2013-present Administrative manager, National Engineering Laboratory for Efficient Utilization of Soil and Fertilizer Resources.






[1] 开发高效、廉价、环境友好、来源充足的新型硝化抑制剂和肥料;

[2] 研究新型肥料对土壤氮循环相关微生物群落多样性、丰度和活性的影响;

[3] 探索新型硝化抑制剂的作用机理和田间有效性;

[4] 研发具有土壤培肥或作物增产提质抗病作用的功能微生物肥料或制剂。

[1] Research and development new types of nitrification inhibitors and fertilizers;

[2] Research on the effects of new-type fertilizers on microbial-mediated nitrogen cycle in soil;

[3] Research on the mechanism and field effectiveness of new nitrification inhibitors.


[1] 主持国家自然基金青年项目“一氧化氮清除剂Carboxy-PTIO调控土壤硝化过程的微生物机制”(2018-2020)

[2] 主持国家重点研发计划“新型缓/控释肥料与稳定肥料研制”项目子课题“改性包膜肥料产品的养分释放与作物需肥规律的匹配研究”(2017-2020)

[3] 主持山东省重大科技创新工程项目“盐渍土快速改良与地力培肥产品的研发与应用”子课题“改土培肥类肥料产品研发”(2017-2019)

[4] 主持山东省高等学校科技计划项目“包膜尿素对土壤硝化作用的调控机制”(2017-2019)

[5] 主持山东农业大学泉林黄腐酸肥料工程实验室开放课题基金“黄腐酸对土壤氮循环微生物的影响”(2016-2020)

[6] 主持山东省自然科学基金“氮肥增效剂双氰胺(DCD)作用下山东典型农田土壤中氨氧化微生物的生物多样性与生态功能相互关系研究”(2016-2017)

[7] 主持山东农业大学-史丹利功能性生物肥料基金项目“农田土壤氨氧化细菌与古菌的筛选、纯化和利用”(2015-2016)

[8] 主持山东农业大学科技创新基金“典型重金属胁迫下土壤氨氧化菌群群落结构和功能基因转录水平变化的研究”(2014-2015)

[9] 参与的科研课题未列。

[1] Principal Investigator of the project “Microbial mechanism of soil nitrification under the ammonia-oxidizing archaea inhibitor PTIO” (2018-2020). $32,500 for 3 years. National Natural Science Foundation of China.

[2] Principal Investigator of the project “Nutrient release characteristics and use efficiency of slow/controlled-release fertilizers” (2017-2020). $115,500 for 4 years. One Project of the National Key Research and Development Program of China “Slow/Controlled-Release and Stabilized Fertilizers R & D Program”.

[3] Principal Investigator of the project “Efficiency of humic acid fertilizer in saline-alkali soil” (2017-2019). $120,000 for 3 years. One Project of Major Scientific and Technological Innovation Program of Shandong Province “New-types of Fertilizers R & D Program for Improving Saline-alkali Soil Fertility”.

[4] Principal Investigator of the project “Effects of slow/controlled release fertilizers on soil nitrification microorganisms” (2017-2019). $7,700 for 3 years.Colleges and Universities Science and Technology Program Funding by Shandong Provincial Education Department.

[5] Principal Investigator of the project “Effect of humic acid fertilizer on soil microorganisms” (2016-2020). $30,800 for 5 years. Funding by Shandong Tranlin Paper Co., Ltd..

[6] Principal Investigator of the project “Microbial mechanism of soil nitrification under an ammonia-oxidizing bacteria inhibitor DCD” (2016-2017). $6,150 for 2 years. Shandong Natural Science Foundation.

[7] Principal Investigator of the project “Purification and culture of soil nitrification microorganisms” (2015-2016). $12,500 for 2 years. Funding by Stanley Agriculture Group Co., Ltd..

[8] Principal Investigator of the project “Changes of soil ammonia-oxidizing communities under heavy metals treatment” (2014-2015). $9,500 for 2 years. Science and Technology Innovation Foundation of Shandong Agricultural University.

[9] Co-PI projects were not listed.


Google Scholar Profile: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=qYpjz9wAAAAJ&hl=zh-CN

Tianlin Shen#, Qiushuang Wang, Chengliang Li, Bo Zhou, Yuhuan Li, Yanli Liu*. Transcriptome sequencing analysis reveals silver nanoparticles antifungal molecular mechanism of the soil fungi Fusarium solani species complex. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2020, 388.DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2020.122063. 中科院一区

Zhonghua Wang#, Tianlin Shen#, Yuechao Yang*, Bin Gao, Yongshan Wan, Yuncong Li, Yuanyuan Yao, Lu Liu, Yafu Tang, Jiazhuo Xie, Fangjun Ding, Jianqiu Chen. Fulvic acid-like substance and its characteristics, an innovative waste recycling material from pulp black liquor. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2020, 243. DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.118585. Co-first author中科院一区

Yuanyuan Yao, Xiaoqi Wang, Yuechao Yang*, Tianlin Shen*, Chun Wang, Yafu Tang, Zhonghua Wang, Jiazhuo Xie, Lu Liu, Shanmin Hou, Bin Gao, Yuncong Li, Yongshan Wan. Molecular Composition of Size-Fractionated Fulvic Acid-Like Substances Extracted from Spent Cooking Liquor and Its Relationship with Biological Activity. Environmental science & technology. 2019, 53(24): 14752-14760. 中科院一区

Tianlin Shen, Lu Liu, Yuncong Li, Qiang Wang, Jiulan Dai*, Renqing Wang. Long-term effects of untreated wastewater on soil bacterial communities. Science of The Total Environment.2019, 646: 940-950. 中科院一区

Lu Liu#, Tianlin Shen#, Yuechao Yang*, Bin Gao, Yuncong Li, Jiazhuo Xie, Yafu Tang, Shugang Zhang, Zhonghua Wang, Jianqiu Chen. Bio-based Large Tablet Controlled-Release Urea: Synthesis, Characterization, and Controlled-Released Mechanisms. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2018, 66(43): 11265-11272. Co-first author中科院一区

Shugang Zhang#, Tianlin Shen#, Yuechao Yang, Yuncong Li, Yongshan Wan, Min Zhang, Yafu Tang. Controlled-release urea reduced nitrogen leaching and improved nitrogen use efficiency and yield of direct-seeded rice. Journal of Environmental Management. 2018, 220: 191-197. (Co-first author). Co-first author 中科院二区

Tianlin Shen, Michaela Stieglmeier, Jiulan Dai, Tim Urich, Christa Schleper. Responses of the terrestrial ammonia-oxidizing archaeon Ca. Nitrososphaera viennensis and the ammonia-oxidizing bacterium Nitrosospira multiformis to nitrification inhibitors. FEMS Microbiology Letters. 2013, 344(2): 121-129. 中科院四区, SCI被引频次: 110.

Shugang Zhang, Yuechao Yang, Zhaohui Tong, Bi Gao, Ni Gao, Tianlin Shen, Yongshan Wan, Zhen Yu, Lu Liu, Xiaoxiao Ma, Yanle Guo, Job Fugice, Yuncong C. Li. Self-Assembly of Hydrophobic and Self-Healing Bio-nanocomposite-Coated Controlled Release Fertilizer. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2020. DOI: 10.1021/acsami.0c06530.

Shugang Zhang, Yuechao Yang*,Weiwei Zhai, Zhaohui Tong, Tianlin Shen, Yuncong Li, Min Zhang, Gilbert C. Sigua, Jianqiu Chen, Fangjun Ding. Controlled-Release Nitrogen Fertilizer Improved Lodging Resistance and Potassium and Silicon Uptake of Direct-Seeded Rice. Crop Science. 2019, 59(6), 2733-2740.

Shugang Zhang, Ni Gao, Tianlin Shen, Yuechao Yang*, Bi Gao, Yuncong Li, Yongshan Wan. One-step synthesis of superhydrophobic and multifunctional nano copper-modified bio-polyurethane for controlled-release fertilizers with “multilayer air shields”: new insight of improvement mechanism. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2019, 7(16): 9503-9509.

Huan He, Hua Liu, Tianlin Shen, Shaodong Wei, Jiulan Dai*, Rneqing Wang. Influence of Cu application on ammonia oxidizers in fluvo-aquic soil. Geoderma. 2018, 321: 141-150. 中科院一区

Yue Yu, Hui Wang, Jian Liu, Qiang Wang, Tianlin Shen, Weihua Guo, Renqing Wang*. Shifts in microbial community function and structure along the successional gradient of coastal wetlands in Yellow River Estuary. European Journal of Soil Biology. 2012, 49:12-21. 中科院三区

Qiushuang Wang, Xingchao Qi, Tianlin Shen, Chengliang Li*. Effect of silver nanoparticles and graphene on soil microorganisms and enzyme activities. Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae. 2017, 37(8): 3149-3157. (in Chinese).

Hua Liu, Tianlin Shen, Xuekun Li, Hecai Fu, Jiulan Dai*. Progress of Researches on Extraction Methods of Soil RNA. Chin J Appl Environ Biol. 2011, 17(6): 918-922. (in Chinese).

Huan He, Tianlin Shen, Jiulan Dai, Wei Guo, Qiang Wang, Li Ma, Renqing Wang*. The Response of Potential Nitrification Rate in Fluvo-aquic Soil to Heavy Metals Zn2+ and Cd2+. Journal of Agro-environment Science. 2010, 29(5): 918-922. (in Chinese).


高效缓控释肥新产品和新技术. 中国农业科学技术出版社, 201512, 参编.ISBN 978-7-5116-2382-9


发明专利:利用造纸黑液改性制备水稻耐盐专用小分子有机物的方法 - 201910830900.1

发明专利:一种用于改良盐碱地的功能性有机肥及其制备方法 - 201910437923.6

发明专利:一种装载功能性物质的自组装自修复的包膜控释肥料及其制备方法 - 201910123657.X

发明专利:一种楔形花卉专用生物基纤维硅酮树脂包膜控释肥料及其制备方法 - 201711294893.5






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山东省地方标准 DB37/T 3827-2019缓控释肥料养分释放率与释放期田间测试技术规程

山东省地方标准 DB37/T 3828-2019 活化腐植酸在水稻育苗上的施用技术规程

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