学 历: | 博士研究生 | |
职 称: | 教授 | |
所属部门: | 环境科学与工程学科 | |
研究方向: | 土壤污染风险与控制,环境毒理学 | |
联系方式: | jwang@sdau.edu.cn,0538-8242549 | |
个人简介: | ||
王军,博士,教授,博士/硕士生导师,学校“1512人才工程”第二层次。主要从事环境科学与工程方面的教学科研工作,承担国家自然科学基金联合重点项目、面上项目,国家重点研发计划课题、子课题等国家和省部级任务20多项。至今共发表论文300余篇,其中以第一/通讯作者在《Applied Catalysis B: Environmental》《Environment International》《环境科学》等国内外高水平期刊发表论文100多篇,被引8300余次,高被引论文5篇,H-index为51,入选2024年全球前2%顶尖科学家,2021年度全球“环境科学”和“农业生物学”TOP100高产作者。 目前担任国家生态环境基准专家委员会委员,中国土壤学会土壤分析工作委员会副主任,中国土壤学会土壤化学专业委员会委员,农业农村部企业重点实验室学术委员会主任,《Applied Soil Ecology》《Journal of Environmental Toxicology Research》《Frontiers in Environmental Science》《Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology》《山东农业大学学报》等编委,《Sustainability》专辑主编,受聘生态环境部环境影响评价专家,山东省受污染耕地安全利用专家指导组成员,山东省环境影响审查专家,山东省农业环境重点实验室和山东省农业环境污染控制工程技术中心主要成员,山东农业大学环境科学与工程系主任和学位点负责人。 | ||
教学工作: | ||
本科生课程:《环境化学》《环境科学与工程进展》等 研究生课程:《高级环境化学》《环境化学工程原理》《环境风险识别与健康评价》等 | ||
研究方向: | ||
环境健康,土壤污染风险与控制 | ||
科研项目: | ||
(1)2024.12-2027.11,国家重点研发计划课题,农田土壤-地下水多污染物迁移转化协同阻控技术,2024YFD1701103,858万元,主持 (2)2024.9-2027.8,泰安市“双十工程”项目,基于微生物原位激活的土壤提质增效关键技术研究与应用,2024JSGG10,90万元,主持 (3)2023.7-2026.6,山东省重点研发计划,山东省典型区域土壤多元复合污染风险评估与生物消减阻控技术研发,2023CXPT086,1008万元,主持 (4)2022.1-2025.12,国家自然科学基金联合基金,黄河三角洲典型酞酸酯的迁移转化机制及生态毒理效应,U2106212,265万元,主持 (5)2022.1-2025.12,国家自然科学基金面上项目,典型酞酸酯对土壤蚯蚓生态毒性的分子机制,42177024,57万元,主持 (6)2019.1-2023.12,泰山学者青年专家专项,土壤污染过程与控制,山东省人民政府,Tsqn201812032,100万元,主持 (7)2018.12-2022.12,国家重点研发计划课题,重点区域场地土壤-地下水重金属迁移扩散示踪及野外验证,2018YFC1800605,212万元,主持 (8)2016.1-2020.12,国家重点研发计划子课题,北方蔬菜田土壤重金属的形态分布与累积过程,2016YFD0800304,77万元,主持 (9)2019.1-2021.12,山东省重点研发计划,山东省典型设施农业区酞酸酯污染风险及修复研究,2019GSF109026,15万元,主持 (10)2017.8-2020.6,山东省自然科学基金,设施农业土壤中塑化剂的污染特征及其生态风险评价,ZR2017MD023,14万元,主持 (11)2011.1-2013.12,国家自然科学基金青年基金,莠去津生物强化降解中微生物群落结构的演替规律,41001152,21万元,主持 | ||
发表论文: | ||
(1)Jia Ding, Huanshun Yin, Xianxu Li, Xiangfeng Yao, Qian Wang, Huiyan Yang, Huijuan Lv, Lubsan-zondy Budazhapov, Jun Wang*. Room-temperature induction of oxygen vacancies in Bi2Fe4O9 for PMS activation and dimethyl phthalate degradation: Mechanism and toxicity evaluation. Chemical Engineering Journal,2025,501:160497. (2)Huijuan Lv, Baoyan Mu, Haixia Xu, Xianxu Li, Xiangfeng Yao, Qian Wang, Huiyan Yang, Jia Ding, Jun Wang*. Do emerging alternatives pose similar soil ecological risks as traditional plasticizers? A multi-faceted analysis using earthworms as a case study. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2025,487:137298. (3)Jia Ding, Huanshun Yin*, Shuqi Gong, Ruomeng Shi, Jinhao Zhang, Xiangfeng Yao,Xianxu Li, Nan Jiang, Lubsan-zondy Budazhapov, Jun Wang*. Enhanced dimethyl phthalate degradation via mild heat-assisted Bi2Fe4O9 catalyst: Properties and mechanism. Separation and Purification Technology, 2025,360:131143. (4)Luchen Ai, Huanshun Yin*, Jun Wang*, Xianqiang Yin, Huimin Sun*. Uv-activated Ni ions as electron donors for in-situ generation of tunable oxygen vacancies on the surface of Bi2O2CO3 with improving photocatalytic activity for sulfadiazine degradation. Chemical Engineering Journal,2024,500:156943. (5)Qian Wang#, Bin Guo#, Huiyan Yang, Wensa Zhou, Huijuan Lv, Xiangfeng Yao, Xianxu Li, Zhuran Hu, Jun Wang*. Biochemical and transcriptomic analyses reveal the toxicological response and 1 potential mechanism of butyl benzyl phthalate in zebrafish gills. Science of the Total Environment, 2024,951:175623. (6)Xiangfeng Yao, Huijuan Lv, Qian Wang, Jia Ding, Weizheng Kong, Baoyan Mu, Chang Dong, Xue Hu, Hongda Sun, Xianxu Li, Jun Wang*. Novel Insights into Stereoselective Reproductive Toxicity Induced by Mefentrifluconazole in Earthworms (Eisenia fetida): First Report of Estrogenic Effects. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2024, 72:19304-19311.(封面文章) (7)Hongda Sun, Haoyue Zhang, Lu Li, Jingyu Wen, Xianxu Li, Hui Mao, Jun Wang*. Environmental efficacy of polyethylene microplastics: Enhancing the solidification of CuO nanoparticles and reducing the physiological toxicity to peanuts. Science of the Total Environment, 2024,946:174206. (8)Xianxu Li, Nan Jiang, Juan Zhang, Xiangfeng Yao, Wenrong Liu, Qian Wang, Jia Ding, Zhuran Hu, Lusheng Zhu, Jinhua Wang, Jun Wang*. Soil health hazards of di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate: new perspectives on earthworms from different ecological niches DNA damage, gut microbial disruption and soil enzyme changes. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2024,467:133700. (9)Xiangfeng Yao, Chunliu Liang, Huijuan Lv, Wenrong Liu, Qian Wang, Jia Ding, Xianxu Li, Jun Wang*. Expanding the insight of ecological risk on the novel chiral pesticide mefentrifluconazole: Mechanism of enantioselective toxicity to earthworms (Eisenia fetida). Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2024,466:133585. (10)Kexue Liu, Chunliu Liang, Huijuan Lv, Xiangfeng Yao, Xianxu Li, Jia Ding, Na Chen, Suo Wang, Wenrong Liu, Xue Hu, Jun Wang*, Huanshun Yin*. Photocatalytic degradation of butyl benzyl phthalate by S-scheme Bi/Bi2O2CO3/Bi2S3 under simulated sunlight irradiation. Chemosphere, 2024,350:141046. (11)Chunliu Liang, Huijuan Lv, Wenrong Liu, Qian Wang, Xiangfeng Yao, Xianxu Li, Zhuran Hu, Jinhua Wang, Lusheng Zhu, Jun Wang*. Mechanism of the adverse outcome of Chlorella vulgaris exposure to diethyl phthalate: Water environmental health reflected by primary producer toxicity. Science of the Total Environment, 2024,912:168876. (12)Jia Ding, Guangxia Su, Yunlei Zhou, Huanshun Yin, Suo Wang, Jun Wang*, Wenjuan Zhang.Construction of Bi/BiOI/BiOCl Z-scheme photocatalyst with enhanced tetracycline removal under visible light. Environmental Pollution, 2024,341:122942. (13)Can Wang#, Xiangfeng Yao#, Xianxu Li, Qian Wang, Nan Jiang, Xue Hu, Huijuan Lv, Baoyan Mu, Jun Wang*. Fosthiazate, a soil-applied nematicide, induces oxidative stress, neurotoxicity and transcriptome aberrations in earthworm (Eisenia fetida). Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2024,463:132865. (14)Qian Wang, Xianxu Li, Xiangfeng Yao, Jia Ding, Juan Zhang, Zhuran Hu, Jinhua Wang, Lusheng Zhu , Jun Wang*. Effects of butyl benzyl phthalate on zebrafish (Danio rerio) brain and the underlying molecular mechanisms revealed by transcriptome analysis. Science of the Total Environment, 2024,906:167659. (15)Zhengkun Yu, Yunlei Zhou*, Haowei Zhang, Miao Zhang, Rongyu Zhang, Huanshun Yin*, Jun Wang*. One-pot hydrothermal preparation of rich-oxygen vacant Bi2SiO5/CuBi2O4 z-scheme heterojunction for visible light-driven photocatalytic removal of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Chemical Engineering Journal,2023,478:147353. (16)Wenrong Liu, Xianxu Li, Huijuan Lv, Chunliu Liang, Qian Wang, Xiangfeng Yao, Chang Dong, Wenjuan zhang, Jinhua Wang, Lusheng Zhu, Jun Wang*. Occurrence and health risk assessment of phthalates 1 in a typical estuarine soil: a case study of the various functional areas of the Yellow River Delta. Science of the Total Environment, 2023,704:166972. (17)Huijuan Lv, Chunliu Liang, Wenrong Liu, Na Chen, Xianxu Li, Qian Wang, Xiangfeng Yao, Jinhua Wang, Lusheng Zhu, Jun Wang*. Multi-level biological effects of diverse alkyl chains phthalate esters on cotton seedlings (Gossypium hirsutum L.): insights into individual, physiological-biochemical and molecular perspectives. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2023,460:132352. (18)Jia Ding, Conghui Li, Huanshun Yin, Yunlei Zhou, Suo Wang, Kexue Liu, Min'an Li, Jun Wang*. One-pot solvothermal synthesis of Bi/Bi2S3/Bi2WO6 S-scheme heterojunction with enhanced photoactivity towards antibiotic oxytetracycline degradation under visible light. Environmental Pollution, 2023,327:121550 (19)Can Wang, Xiangfeng Yao, Xianxu Li, Qian Wang, Jinhua Wang, Lusheng Zhu, Jun Wang*. Effects of dibutyl phthalate on microbial community and the carbon cycle in salinized soil. Journal of Cleaner Production,2023,404:136928 (20)Xianxu Li, Min'an Li, Nan Jiang, Xiangfeng Yao, Qian Wang, Huijuan Lv, Can Wang, Jun Wang*. Evaluation of soil ecological health after exposure to environmentally relevant doses of Di (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate: Insights from toxicological studies of earthworms at different ecological niches. Environmental Pollution, 2023,322:121204 (21)Huiyan Yang, Mingsheng Li, Cui Zhang, Na Li, Xiangfeng Yao, Xianxu Li, Fang Li, Jun Wang*. Ecotoxicological and biochemical effects of di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate on wheat (Jimai 22, Triticum aestivum L.). Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2023,447:130816 (22)Kexue Liu, Na Li, Jia Ding, Na Chen, Suo Wang, Qian Wang, Xiangfeng Yao, Xianxu Li, Jun Wang*, Huanshun Yin*. One-step synthesis of Bi2O2CO3/Bi2S3 S-scheme heterostructure with enhanced photoactivity towards dibutyl phthalate degradation under visible light. Chemosphere,2023,324:138357 (23)Xianxu Li, Qian Wang, Nan Jiang, Huijuan Lv, Chunliu Liang, Huiyan Yang, Xiangfeng Yao, Jun Wang*. Occurrence, source, ecological risk, and mitigation of phthalates in agricultural soils and the environment: A review. Environmental Research, 2023,220:115196 (24)Qian Wang, Xiangfeng Yao, Nan Jiang, Juan Zhang, Guanyong Liu, Xianxu Li, Can Wang, Zhongkang Yang, Jinhua Wang, Lusheng Zhu, Jun Wang*. Environmentally relevant concentrations of butyl benzyl phthalate triggered oxidative stress and apoptosis in adult zebrafish liver: Combined analysis at physiological and molecular levels. Science of the Total Environment, 2023,858:160109 (25)Nan Jiang, Xianxu Li, Qian Wang, Baikerouzi Baihetiyaer, Xiaoteng Fan, Mingsheng Li, Huimin Sun, Xianqiang Yin*, Jun Wang*. Ecological risk assessment of environmentally relevant concentrations of propofol on zebrafish at early life stage: Insight into physiological, biochemical, and molecular aspects. Chemosphere, 2023,316:137846 (26)Xiangfeng Yao#, Can Wang#, Min'an Li, Yuhuai Jiao, Qian Wang, Xianxu Li, Kexue Liu, Guanyong Liu, Jinhua Wang, Lusheng Zhu, Jun Wang*. Extreme environmental doses of diisobutyl phthalate exposure induce oxidative stress and DNA damage in earthworms (Eisenia fetida): Evidence at the biochemical and molecular levels. Journal of Environmental Management, 2023,331:117321 (27)Lingsong Wang, Huanshun Yin*, Suo Wang, Jun Wang*, Yunlei Zhou, Shiyun Ai. Ni2+-assisted catalytic one-step synthesis of Bi/BiOCl/Bi2O2CO3 heterojunction with enhanced photocatalytic activity under visible light. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2022,305:121039 (28)Peipei Song#, Nan Jiang#, Kaiqu Zhang, Xianxu Li, Na Li, Youai Zhang, Qian Wang, Jun Wang*. Ecotoxicity evaluation of zebrafish liver induced by Dibutyl phthalate. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022,425:128027 (29)Youai Zhang#, Zhongkang Yang#, Xianxu Li, Peipei Song, Jun Wang*. Effects of diisononyl phthalate exposure on the oxidative stress and gut microorganisms in earthworms. Science of the Total Environment, 2022,822:153563 (30)Nan Jiang#, Peipei Song#, Xianxu Li, Lusheng Zhu, Jinhua Wang, Jun Wang*. Dibutyl Phthalate Induced Oxidative Stress and Genotoxicity on Adult Zebrafish (Danio rerio) Brain. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022,424:127749 (31)Lin Liu, Yu-Ping Yang, Gui-Lan Duan*, Jun Wang*, Xian-Jin Tang, Yong-Guan Zhu. The chemical-microbial release and transformation of arsenic induced by citric acid in paddy soil. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022,421:126731 (32)Xianxu Li, Qian Wang, Can Wang, Zhongkang Yang, Jinhua Wang, Lusheng Zhu, Jun Wang*. Ecotoxicological response of zebrafish liver (Danio rerio) induced by Di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate. Ecological Indicators, 2022,143:109388 (33)Xiangfeng Yao, Jingwen Zhang, Can Wang, Qian Wang, Xianxu Li, Jinhua Wang, Lusheng Zhu, Jun Wang*. Toxicity of dibutyl phthalate to pakchoi (Brassica campestris L.): Evaluation through different levels of biological organization. Science of the Total Environment, 2022,849:157943 (34)Yan Chen, Huanshun Yin*, Fei Li, Jie Zhou, Lingsong Wang, Jun Wang*, Shiyun Ai. Polydopamine-sensitized WS2/black-TiO2 heterojunction for histone acetyltransferase detection with enhanced visible-light-driven photoelectrochemical activity. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020,393:124707 (35)Peipei Song, Jianpeng Gao, Xianxu Li, Cui Zhang, Jinhua Wang, Lusheng Zhu, Jun Wang*. Phthalate induced oxidative stress and DNA damage in earthworms(Eisenia fetida), Environment International , 2019,129:10-17 (36)Chengji Sui#, Fei Li#, Hanwen Wu, Huanshun Yin∗, Shenran Zhang, Jun Wang∗, Lusheng Zhu∗. Photoelectrochemical biosensor for 5hmC detection based on the photocurrent inhibition effect of ZnO on MoS2/C3N4 heterojunction. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2019,142:111516 (37)Jianpeng Gao#, Peipei Song#, Guanying Wang, Jinhua Wang, Lusheng Zhu, Jun Wang*. Responses of atrazine degradation and native bacterial community in soil to Arthrobacter sp. strain HB-5. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety,2018,159:317-323 (38)平令文, 李现旭, 张翠, 宋佩佩, 王金花, 朱鲁生, 王军*. DEP对蚯蚓抗氧化酶系的影响及DNA损伤, 环境科学, 2018,39(10):4825-4833 招生专业:农业资源与环境博士和博士后、环境科学与工程学硕、环境工程专硕 办公地址:山东农业大学资源与环境学院,3#109 |